Capricorn Horoscope

Apr 16, 2024… You can be rather persuasive if you need to be today, Capricorn. If you’re looking to increase your income or get started on a new project, the vibe will support some crystal clear communication. You can build up the courage to ask for that raise you’ve been wanting or to convince a few friends to help you finish up a personal enterprise of yours. Whether you choose to apply it in your home or work life, this epic instinct to create and succeed will be bound to help you achieve something awesome today.

Today’s Inspiration: In order to make progress and stay happy, we must focus on what we can do right now to make it better. Grumbling over what doesn’t seem possible and being envious over what others have or our shortcomings are sure ways to spend your days in a grumpy slump. You deserve better than that. Of course, it’s okay to want things so long as you work towards obtaining them, but don’t spend your days sitting around longing for change. Make change.