Go to College Online without a High School Diploma


If you’re one of the 10% of Americans over the age of 25 who doesn’t have a high school diploma, you may think that a college degree is not an option for you. Like many people with high school diplomas, you may be in a career rut and see a college degree as a way for you to get ahead. You’ve probably considered all the obstacles you face in making that dream a reality, and not having your high school diploma is probably at the top of the list, but there is hope.

While many people think that a GED or (General Education Diploma) is considered to be a lesser achievement than a high school diploma, for most colleges considering student applications this is simply not the case. Nearly any community college accepts a GED the same as a high school diploma for incoming freshman students. In fact, “97% of all colleges and employers accept a GED.”

Part of the reason the GED is so well accepted is that the four tests required to pass the GED are considered to be academically rigorous. The GED is broken up into four separate subject areas: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. The subject tests are broken up and each have their own time limits and testing formats. Most people advise that you take each subject test at a separate time to help you maximize your scores in each area. Your scores will count in helping you get into a good college, so it’s a good idea to study hard and try to do as well as you can.

When it’s time to begin applying for college, there are some things to consider as a GED holder. For one thing, many schools will still want your high school transcripts, even if you did not complete your high school degree. If you had a very difficult time in high school, and your grades were very bad, a GED is not going to erase your academic history. There’s no reason to panic, though! While you may not be accepted straight into the four-year program of your dreams, you still have options to get there.

If you’ve passed your GED, it’s very likely you will be accepted into a local community college. Most community colleges have the same application and acceptance process for online degrees as they do for degrees earned in person on campus, so your dream of working toward an online degree should absolutely still be alive and well! Once you earn a two-year degree at a community college with good grades, you’ll probably be able to transfer into the four-year program you desire.