Scorpio Horoscope

Apr 19, 2024.. You may feel the need to take on a new challenge or opportunity today, Scorpio. If you do a little research or look to a close friend for some inspiration, you may find something that lights a fire within you. What can you get passionate about? Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t had the time? The desire to expand your horizons could be strong enough to make you want to pencil in a few moments to get started. What will it be?

Today’s Inspiration: Delicate does not mean weak. Kind does not mean naïve. Generous does not mean pushover. You are allowed to be a pure, wholesome person. Don’t worry bout the negativity cast out by those who are jealous or filled with darkness. They just want to bring you down with them. Be the example they can aspire to. Being good in this world makes it a better place, period.